Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Week 2.1: Thoughts about Google Drive, Docs, Folders, Browsers, etc

You’ll be faced with a choice of changing to Google Drive which is the new place for housing Google Docs. It is supposed to work like Dropbox when you download it (but mine doesn’t) so for the purposes of this course we won’t deal with Google Drive when it is actually installed on your computer. However the change to Google Drive online is beneficial as you will notice the the Google Docs presentation below:

The following video from YouTube shows how to get a Google Docs short cut on to your iPad desktop! I have done it and it's definitely worth a try.


  1. Hi Fiona

    I have the drive version (it went straight there). I don't have the same off line options as the slide show. Looks like I will only be able to view off line. I'll keep you posted as I find out more.

    1. Actually I discovered today when there was no Internet to be had in my area that when offline you can only view and not work in the offline version! That's not so great, now is it!
      Regards, Fiona

  2. Actually, scratch my previous comment. If I understand your answer to Claire, this is probably what my problem is.
